Monday, April 12, 2010

Pepsi Plants to Run on Green Power

Pepsi gained national attention back in 2007 when they made a commitment to investing in enough green energy to match the use of its U.S production facilities. This record setting purchase of 90,000 K/hr for 3 years, is enough energy to power over 90,000 homes. Their efforts continue to this day, with PepsiCo recently announcing the intention to spend $30 million in new renewable energy projects over the next 3 years.

In 2008, Pepsi began using a four acre solar concentrator system in Modesto California, which powers their Frito-lays Sun Chips plant. (Also, on a side note, Sun Chips, has recently switched to eco-friendly bags that are naturally compostable. Follow the above link for more information on that brands eco-friendly initiative.)

"Our strategy has advanced to a point where it makes the most sense to invest in alternative energy projects within our own operations," Rob Schasel, PepsiCo's director of energy and resource conservation.

For more information on PepsiCo’s greening initiatives, CLICK HERE.

For the article mentioned in this blog, CLICK HERE

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