Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Arbor Day!

April 30th is Arbor Day, a nationally celebrated occasion that encourages everyone to plant/care for our nations trees. Traditionally celebrated on the last Friday of April, the first Arbor Day celebrated in the United States was on April 10th, 1872 and an estimated 1 million trees were planted across the country. So break out your gardening gloves, grab a shovel and celebrate this great fantastic holiday by planting a tree. For more information on Arbor Day, CLICK HERE.

And now for the timeless National Arbor Day Foundation Commercial..

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cycling to a more Livable Community

Secretary Ray LaHood has recently announced his vision of transforming the world of transportation as we know it. Right now, about 90% of all commuters get to work via an automobile. But Secretary Lahood envisions new communities that focus less on the car and more on street cars, pedestrian walkways and even an inter-state bicycle network.

"We’re elevating it to the point where as we develop new road systems, as we develop communities where people can use light rail or street cars or buses, bike trails and walking paths will be equal partners, if you will, and equal components of those kinds of transportation opportunities in communities across America,"-LaHood

Like said in the article, it would be amazing to see what the United States infrastructure would look like if we made a similar investment 50 years ago. While what sounds great to some, others do not agree, specifically industries who are invested in trucking and worry such initiatives will take away from road investments. LaHood stresses that they are not taking away from roads, just hoping to add new alternatives to the mix.

Listen to Ray Lahood addressing the National Bike Summit

CLICK HERE to read/listen to the NPR Article

For more information, CLICK HERE

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Turns 40!


We here at GVF like to think every day is Earth Day, but today marks the 40th anniversary of the first official Earth Day! While today is set aside to look at the Core Issues currently facing our planet, its also a great opportunity to see what we can do everyday to help build for a more sustainable future. Whether it be joining a carpool, biking to work, or even as simple as recycling that soda can rather than throwing it away, there is so much we can do to make this world a better place. So on behalf of all of us at GVF, Happy Earth Day! Lets roll up our sleeves and starting getting green.

For more information on the 40th anniversary of Earth Day from the EPA, CLICK HERE

or for even more info, CLICK HERE

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Penn State Recognized as National Leader in Green Power

Penn state has topped the list of Big 10 schools, and ranked 3rd in the nation among colleges and universities for their use of green energy within their institution. These green power sources include solar, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric sources that have little to no impact on the environment whatsoever. Penn State is no stranger to the top of the list, as this is the 4th year in a row they have topped the Big 10 in green power use.

Presently, Penn State University purchases 84 million kilowatt hours of green power, but it is expected this number will go up with the expiration of their current contract.

For more information on Penn States greening initiative, CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE for discussed article from Penn State Live.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pepsi Plants to Run on Green Power

Pepsi gained national attention back in 2007 when they made a commitment to investing in enough green energy to match the use of its U.S production facilities. This record setting purchase of 90,000 K/hr for 3 years, is enough energy to power over 90,000 homes. Their efforts continue to this day, with PepsiCo recently announcing the intention to spend $30 million in new renewable energy projects over the next 3 years.

In 2008, Pepsi began using a four acre solar concentrator system in Modesto California, which powers their Frito-lays Sun Chips plant. (Also, on a side note, Sun Chips, has recently switched to eco-friendly bags that are naturally compostable. Follow the above link for more information on that brands eco-friendly initiative.)

"Our strategy has advanced to a point where it makes the most sense to invest in alternative energy projects within our own operations," Rob Schasel, PepsiCo's director of energy and resource conservation.

For more information on PepsiCo’s greening initiatives, CLICK HERE.

For the article mentioned in this blog, CLICK HERE

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lower Merion School District Awarded Alternative Fuel Incentive Grant through DEP

Seeking to enhance Pennsylvania's energy security, promote alternative forms of energy and create a cleaner environment, Governor Edward G. Rendell today announced an $8 million investment in 20 projects that will advance the alternative fuels industry in the state.

One of the 20   projects selected was from the Lower Merion School District, who was awarded $315,000 for the incremental cost to purchase nine compressed natural gas-powered school buses, which will replace the use of more than 22,000 gallons of convention liquid fuel.

For more information on the Grant and the 20 Projects selected, CLICK HERE!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

DEP: 88 Growing Greener Projects Will Improve the Economic and Environmental Health of Pennsylvania

HARRISBURG -- Addressing some of Pennsylvania’s most pressing environmental challenges, the Department of Environmental Protection today announced more than $16.5 million in Growing Greener funding for projects that will clean state waterways, restore stream banks, prevent flooding, reclaim mine-scarred lands and reduce pollution.

“During the past seven years, Pennsylvania’s Growing Greener program has delivered more than $237 million to local communities to improve the quality of our waterways, address serious environmental problems at mine sites and make communities more livable,” said Secretary John Hanger. “Growing Greener has also sparked economic redevelopment by providing the tools and funding needed to tackle tough environmental issues and restore the state’s natural resources.”

The funding awarded today includes $12.6 million in Watershed and Flood Protection grants and $3.9 million in federal funding for Non-Point Source Pollution Control grants.

Grants range in size from $6,145 to the Cameron County Conservation District to address invasive species and repair riparian buffers along the Sinnemahoning Creek to $664,500 to the Schuylkill Headwaters Association to design and construct a system to treat the 1.7 million gallon-per-day discharge of mine drainage from the Mary D Borehole into the Schuylkill River.

More than 1,300 Growing Greener Grants have been awarded since 2003. These grants have funded new and innovative drinking water/wastewater treatment systems, dam improvements, open space acquisition, repairs and upgrades of fish hatcheries, wildlife habitat development, acid mine drainage abatement, industrial site revitalization, community parks and recreation projects, acid mine discharge treatment, abandoned mine reclamation, watershed protection, and advanced energy projects through Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority.

The funds are distributed to non-profit organizations, watershed groups and county and municipal governments to address local and regional water quality issues.

A complete list of the Growing Greener Grants can be found HERE