Thursday, March 25, 2010

Earth Hour: March 27th, 2010 8:30 PM


On March 28th, 2009, the world united in a single act of sustainability, when 4,000 towns and over 800 countries turned off their lights for Earth Hour. Coordinated by the World Wildlife Fund, this act proves that now is the time to focus on climate change, before it is too late. This Years Earth Hour is slated for Saturday March 27th at  8:30 PM and Pennsylvania is one of the official U.S states participating in the event.

U.S. landmarks such as Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, St. Louis’ Gateway Arch, Sea World in Orlando, the Las Vegas Strip, the Empire State Building, Washington D.C.’s National Cathedral, and the Space Needle in Seattle are a few of the national landmarks shutting down all non-essential lights for the event.

While powering down for an hour is a great symbol, it also points out that there is so much more we can do to make every hour an Earth hour. This is just one tiny step in the right direction.

A simple tip to save energy every day is to start turning off electronics when not in use. The simple act of turning lights on when not in a room, or powering down computers when not in use can not only save hundreds of dollars, but help the environment as well.

For more tips on reducing energy use CLICK HERE.

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