Friday, February 18, 2011

GVF's 2011 Sustainable Awards - Submit Application Now!

GVF is pleased to announce its 2011 Sustainable Awards nomination period! GVF seeks nominations to recognize its partners for their outstanding achievements in implementing programs that provide and promote commuting alternatives for their employees and its community, thus reducing congestion and improving air quality. When we launched this program in 2010, we were excited to see 11 partners participate, which employee over 16,000 employees. This year we hope to exceed these numbers!

Take a moment to view the application by clicking here or visit, to see how you qualify for either the Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum recognition level. Upon review of the application, partners will be recognized at GVF’s Fall Partner Breakfast, which will be held in September 2011.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your applications!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

GSK moving Philadelphia operations to Navy Yard

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), one of GVF's partners, is relocating its Center City operations to the Philadelphia Navy Yard. It will move about 1,300 downtown employees to the South Philadelphia site.

Liberty Property Trust, another one of GVF's partners, will construct a 205,000-square-foot “state-of-the art workplace of the future” for the pharmaceutical company, said John Gattuso, senior vice president and regional director at Liberty, a Malvern, Pa., real estate investment Trust. Robert A.M. Stern Architects will design the $81 million, four-story building, which will be built to meet a LEED platinum designation.

“The reason it is at the Navy Yard is the company wanted a very specific environment that had a main street and that’s not a configuration that could be adapted in a current building or built in Center City,” Gattuso said. “That is the driver of the selection of the Navy Yard.” 

GSK said the building will have an open plan design, which is consistent with other GSK facilities designed to bring employees together to foster better communication and idea sharing. The building will have a fitness center, restaurant, retail services, and free parking for employees and visitors.  To read the entire article from the Philadelphia Business Journal, click here

GVF is pleased to see two of its partners working together on this sustainability initiative and look forward to seeing the outcome.  Among many notable awards, Liberty Property Trust was recognized in 2010 with GVF's Sustainable Awards.  Through GVF's Climate Change Task Force, GVF has offered a tour of Liberty Property's Tasykake Bakery, which was built with several features in order to target LEED-Silver certification. 

Would you be interested in visiting the LEED platinum GSK building once it is open?  Let us know by emailing or calling 610-354-8899, so we can see if a possible tour would be feasible.