Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Two weeks ago, I reported that GVF was working diligently to ensure the transit benefit parity was extended to remain at $230 per month.  I'm happy to report that on December 16th, Congress completed work on an extension of the Bush/Middle class tax cuts and included, as a part of that package, is a provision extending parity between the transit/vanpool and parking portion of the transportation fringe benefit at a level of $230/month for 1-year. The transit benefit was set to be reduced to $120/month on January 1st, with this action; the transit benefit will stay at $230/month until at least the end of 2011.

“We would like to thank all of our fellow transit advocates who were able to help us convince our elected officials that this benefit is critical for those who take public transit. We were very active in helping to get the benefit changed in the first place as all we wanted was to have equality with those who pay for parking. We will continue to advocate for this important benefit as the long term goal is to make this a permanent benefit,” said Rob Henry, GVF Executive Director.

GVF, along with its partners the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), American Public Transportation Association (APTA), Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) and VPSI, has worked diligently to ensure this parity was extended. GVF has been working with its local delegation by submitted letters of support to the below legislators asking them to support the transit parity extension. We would like to extend our appreciation to them for their continued support.

• U.S. Senator Casey

• U.S. Senator Specter

• Congressman Gerlach

• Congresswoman Schwartz

• Congressman Sestak

Thursday, December 16, 2010

BPG Participates in Collecting Packaging Waste for TerraCycle

GVF is a tenant of BPG Properties, located in King of Prussia.  In effort to be more sustainable, BPG partnered with TerraCycle an in effort to encourage its tenants to collect their packaging so it can be recycled. 


TerraCycle's , located in Trenton, NJ, goal is to help eliminate the idea of waste. They do this by creating collection and solution problems for all kinds of waste, by creating waste brigades and turning the collected waste into new products, ranging form park benches to backpacks. TerraCycle operates all around the world so please check out if we are in your country.

To learn more about the different brigades, click here.  There are brigades for many different waste steams ranging from candy wrappers to pens. While some brigades have a cost many are free, where TerraCycle pays the shipping and for every unit of waste you send to them, TerraCycle will pay at least $0.02 to a charity or school of your choice.

TerraCycle recently expanded its brigade to collect packaging waste for tortilla and cheese bags.  Tortilla brands Mission and Guerrero, both run by Gruma Corporation, package their tortillas and tostadas in low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic bags. While technically recyclable, LDPE, identified by the #4 resin code, is not commonly collected in recycling programs.  The New Jersey-based upcycling company will take the tortilla packaging and use it to make new tortilla holders and other consumer products. It will also collect packaging from the companies' dips and salsas. To read the entire article, click here

GVF is participating in BPG's brigade, which is collecting chip, cookie and candy wrappers.  BPG will be donating the proceeds to Juvenile Diabetes Assocation.

Friday, December 10, 2010

GVF Takes an Active Role in the Transit Benefit Parity Status

GVF has been working diligently, in conjunction with the National Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), in advocating to keep parity among the transit and parking benefit. 

Last year, the transit benefit was increased from $120/month to $230/month, the same as the commuter parking benefit.  This increase allowed hundreds of thousands of workers to use a greater share of their pretax income to pay for commuting, saving them up to $1,000 or more on taxes each year!  This increase also benefited employers through payroll tax savings providing much needed resources for both employers and families during difficult economic times.  This increase also established equity for those who choose to take transit rather than drive to worker encouraging more employees to switch to transit resulting in less congestion, lower energy use and improved air quality.

The transit benefit increase is set to be reduced back to $120/month at the end of this year unless Congress acts to make it permanent. GVF has written several letters of support to legislators encouraging them to support this parity as we feel it is a crucial benefit for our partners and their employees.  

ACT reported that on December 9th, the Senate introduced a revised and negotiated extension of tax cuts. Included in that legislation is a provision which extends parity between transit/vanpool and parking at $230/month for 1-year. The package is expected to be voted on in the Senate early next week and then in the House. There are a number of hurdles which remain, but there are far fewer hurdles today then there were last week. ACT is hopeful that by this time next week we can say that it has officially been approved.

Stay tuned for an update next week!

Monday, December 6, 2010

GVF's Climate Change Task Force Tours Tastykake Factory Tour

GVF's Climate Change Task Force, in collaboration with Liberty Property Trust, offered a complimentary tour of the Tastykake Baking Factory, located in the Philadelphia Navy Yard.  We had over 25 people attend this private guided tour of this green bakery, which was held on Wednesday, December 1st.  In addition to learning fascinating facts on the different sustainability initiatives occuring at this site, the group also received complimentary tastykakes! 

                                 TastyKake Factory

What went into planning this site?
First, Liberty Property Trust and Tastykake took an abandoned industrial site and re-used the buildings as foundation material for the new bakery, which avoided clearing a forest and reduced construction waste.  Secondly, the bakery was built with several features in order to target LEED-Silver certification.  LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and acts as a report card for the environmental friendliness of a building.  Once Tastykake achieves this status, it will be the only baking company in the country with LEED Silver certification.

Below is a picture of one of the LEED standards offered at the site - designated upfront parking for individuals who drive fuel efficient vehicles.  

Moreover, a list of the additional features that are included under LEED standards are:

* A white, reflective roof, which minimizes heat-absorbing surfaces that contribute to global warming.

* No-mow, drought-resistant grass that uses less water.

* All wood doors and half of the wood used in the building come from certified sustainable sources that work to conserve trees.

* Paints and carpeting with low chemical content that reduce ear, nose and throat irritation.

* Refrigeration equipment using environmentally friendly refrigerants to minimize emissions that contribute to global warming.

* Covered parking lot lights that reduce light pollution; bike racks and access to public transportation that reduce vehicle usage and pollution.

* Solar panels on the roof that provide power to several of the building’s systems.